Frequently asked questions
Order Status
Q: What are my payment options?
A: We accept all major credit cards.
Q: Has my order shipped?
A: You will receive an email once your order ships.
Q: How do I change quantities or cancel an item in my order?
A: Contact us by email or phone as soon as possible. Please review the Return Policy for more info about general processing time.
Q: How do I track my order?
A: You will be sent a tracking number (if available) via email when you order.
Q: My items were not delivered.
A: Click on “LOGIN” at the top of the page and enter your email address and password to check your order/shipping status. Assure that the item in question has been shipped. If your item is associated with a tracking number please check the status of the delivery using the tracking number with the shipper. Please contact us immediately if the shipper confirms the package has been delivered but you have not received it.
Q: An item is missing from my shipment.
A: Assure that the item in question has been shipped, as in rare cases all items may not be shipped at once. If your item is associated with a tracking number please check the status of the delivery using the tracking number with the shipper. Please contact us immediately if the shipper confirms the package has been delivered but you have not received it.
Q: My product is damaged/missing parts
A: Please contact us immediately so that we can assist you in returning any damaged products. You will need to email us at before returning any goods in order to ensure that the return goes smoothly.
My Account
Q: How do I create an account?
A: You must order an item in order to create an account. Select ‘New Customer’ on the first page after selecting ‘checkout’.
Q: How do I edit my address on my account?
A: Log in to your account and select ‘View Addresses’ and then select ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’.
Q: How much is my shipping?
A: Shipping from our warehouse to your location is automatically calculated when you checkout. You can check the cost when you check out, on your order confirmation email, and you can log in and check this information at any time.
Q: I forgot my password.
A: No problem. Just click ‘LOGIN’ at the top of the page and then select ‘Forgot your password?’, enter your email your address and we will send you a link to reset your password.
Q: How do I return my product?
A: In order to make a return we require that you send us an email to with your name and order number. This will get the process started and we will be in touch about how to make sure the return goes smoothly. Please note that we will not accept returns on any beauty products that are missing contents or any associated packaging. We also will not accept returns that show signs of use.
Q: I received the wrong product.
A: We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact us to and we will do everything we can to make sure you get the right product as soon as possible.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: A link to our return policy is available in our footer under 'return policy.'
Q: When will my order ship?
A: Please click ‘LOGIN’ at the top of the page to check your order/shipping status. Most orders will ship between 24 and 48 hours from the time the order is received.
International Shipping
Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: Skogen delivers throughout the world, but please confirm if we are already in your country by checking the Our Locations page.
This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security.
Q: I have a question about the amount I’ve been charged
A: Click on ‘LOGIN’ to log in to your account. Here you may compare the amount we’ve charged you, with your financial records. If you have further questions please feel free to
Q: When will the credit for my return appear on my credit card account?
A: It usually takes 7-10 days from the time we receive your order to process you credit, please be patient.
Q: When will my credit card be charged?
A: You credit card will be charged in the 24 hours before your item ships.
Policies and Payment
Q: How do I use a discount code?
A: Discount codes can be entered on the second page of the checkout process (the same page where credit card information is entered).
Q: How do I contact you?
A: The easiest way to get a hold of us is to use our Contact Us form, available on the top of the page at all times. Secondly, you can send an email to about any concerns.